Memory Spot Photo Booth

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Memory Spot Photo Booth

Memory Spot Photo Booth

Memory Spot Photo Booth is a photo booth rental company serving Morgan Hill, South Bay and the Peninsula Area's. We provide a high-end photo booth experience with our exceptional customer service, high quality images, elegant set up and creative photo marketing solutions for brands or events. Our team will work with you to personalize our services to best suit your needs. Our modern open air photo booths use the most advanced technology available, giving guests a mini studio feel, beautiful photos that are well-lit and flattering. Your guests are guaranteed to have fun memories to cherish for years to come!

6 Tips for Taking a Family Holiday Card Photo at Home


The holidays are the perfect time to get your family together. You’ve got an excuse to gather everyone in one place, and you can take photos that will last a lifetime. If you thought it was all about getting dressed up, though, think again! A holiday card photo doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact it can be fun and easy if you follow these tips:

Pick a location

When choosing a location, think about how it will look on the card. You want to make sure that the location you choose is not in your living room or kitchen; try to find a place where everyone can be comfortable.

You should also pick a location that works for all family members. If there are children who can’t stand still for very long, for example, then maybe don’t choose an outdoor location with lots of distractions around them (like a playground). It’s also important that you make sure the location is clean and tidy before taking your photo!

Finally, make sure that the location has good light. Don’t take photos under fluorescent lights or in dimly lit rooms—you’ll end up with shots where everyone appears washed out and gray-looking instead of vibrant and colorful! One way to ensure you get good light is by choosing an outdoor space with natural sunlight streaming down upon it at all times during daylight hours.

Select an outfit theme

Select an outfit theme

Choosing a theme for your photo is key to making sure everyone looks like they belong together. Start by deciding on a color scheme, style and location.

Be sneaky

  • Don’t be afraid to get sneaky. If your kids are acting up, you may have to be a little sneaky in order to get a good shot. For example, if your kid is not paying attention and looks away from the camera as you’re trying to take their picture, try moving to another area of the room or pulling something out of your pocket that will help them focus on what’s happening around them (like an old toy).

  • Try different poses and positions. You might find that standing up straight with hands on hips works best for getting everyone looking at the camera! Or maybe sitting on someone’s lap means everyone has a smile on their face and can make eye contact with each other. It’s always worth messing around with various poses until you strike upon something special!

  • Don’t forget about props! Whether it’s grandma’s glasses or dad’s favorite hat—even if it doesn’t seem like anything special—props can really help bring out emotions in people during photos; plus they add variety! Just make sure none of these props end up covering up faces…that would just ruin everything!

Have fun taking photos of your family for the holidays

Here are six tips to help you take a great family holiday card at home:

  • Make sure everyone is happy to be there.

  • Make sure everyone is dressed appropriately and in the spirit of the holiday(s).

  • Make sure everyone is smiling—and not just for the camera! Remember that smiles are contagious, so if one person’s having fun, chances are others will start laughing too! It’s also worth noting that if someone isn’t looking at the camera or smiling, it can make it hard for other family members in the photo to relax.

  • Take several photos from different angles so that there are options for editing later on. You might even want to try different clothing or accessories during each take; this way you’ll have lots of options when deciding which photos should stay in your final cut-down. Don’t forget about getting creative with props like hats/hats and sunglasses too!

  • Remember: everyone needs their own place in each picture (even pets).


Don’t feel like you have to be a professional photographer to take great photos. It’s all about having fun and enjoying the time together.

Memory Spot Photo Booth provides ta high-end photo booth experience with our exceptional customer service, high quality images, elegant set up and creative photo marketing solutions for brands or events. Simply go to our website to request a free quote!

DIY Family Photos on your Phone (Tips & Poses from a Professional Photographer!)

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